I have been reading the Hobbit. In the scene where Bilbo has a conversation with Smaug, he spoke in riddles. He told the dragon everything about himself... but not really. So if I ever met Smaug, my conversation would go something like this:
I am the crown of laurel leaves that sits on top of an emperor's head. I have opened a gate that has brought me to this point in my life. I was given a peaceful gift from God in the form of a man. I am the caretaker of a baby boy. I am a music maker, home maker, lesson giver, conversation maker, word maker, and clever planner.
So let me elaborate. My name comes from the laurel leaves that emperors wore for crowns. Julius Caesar was one of them. Opening a gate is pretty obvious. My peaceful gift from God is what my husband's name means. I have always called my husband my special gift and miracle. Caretaker means mother in this case. I am a musician, stay-at-home mom, teacher, talker, literate, clever, sarcastic, and organizer. I thought this would be a fun one for other people to try and think about what their conversation with Smaug would be like.